コース名  物理学コース

領域名   量子多体系物理学

教員名   太田幸則

電子メール ohtascience.s.chiba-u.ac.jp


ホームページ http://physics.s.chiba-u.ac.jp/ohtal/





1.  Spin and Density Excitations in the Triangular-Lattice t-J Model with Multiple-Spin Exchange Interactions: 3He on Graphite, K. Seki, T. Shirakawa, and Y. Ohta, Phys. Rev. B 79, 024303/1-8 (2009).

2.  K2Cr8O16 predicted as a Half-Metallic Ferromagnet: Scenario for a Metal-Insulator Transition, M. Sakamaki, T. Konishi, and Y. Ohta, Phys. Rev. B 80, 024416/1-6 (2009).


3.  Spin and Mass Excitations in the Doped Multiple Spin Exchange Model on a Triangular Lattice: 3He on Graphite, K. Seki, T. Shirakawa, and Y. Ohta, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 150, 032095/1-4 (2009).

4.  Antiferromagnetism and Kondo Screening in the Periodic Anderson Model: Variational Cluster Approach, S. Horiuchi, S. Kudo, T. Shirakawa, and Y. Ohta, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 150, 042060/1-4 (2009).

5.  Disorder and Superconductivity in Doped Semiconductor Nanotubes, T. Shirakawa, S. Nishimoto, Y. Ohta, and H. Fukuyama, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 150, 052238/1-4 (2009).

6.  Theoretical Study of the Electronic States of Hollandite Vanadate K2V8O16, S. Horiuchi, T. Shirakawa, and Y. Ohta, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 150, 042182/1-4 (2009).

7.  A New Half-Metallic Ferromagnet K2Cr8O16 Predicted by an Ab-Initio Electronic Structure Calculation, M. Sakamaki, T. Konishi, T. Shirakawa, and Y. Ohta, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 200, 012172/1-4 (2010).

8.  Magnetic Susceptibility and Saturation Magnetic Field in the t-J2-J3-K Model: 3He on Graphite, K. Seki and Y. Ohta, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 200, 022056/1-4 (2010).

9.  Nonquasiparticle States in the Half-Metallic Ferromagnet Simulated by the Two-Band Hubbard Model, K. Nakano, T. Shirakawa, and Y. Ohta, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 200, 012143/1-4 (2010).

10. Coherence Length and Localization Length of the Negative-U Hubbard Model with Random Potential, T. Shirakawa, Y. Ohta, and H. Fukuyama, Physica C (2010), in press.

11. Zero-Point Vacancies in the Two-Dimensional t-J2-J3-J4 Model: 3He on Graphite, K. Seki and Y. Ohta, Physica C (2010), in press.


12. 「超伝導ハンドブック」3.2.4 ドープされた半導体(1) 太田幸則、福山秀敏 (福山秀敏、秋光純 編、朝倉書店、2009pp. 83-87


(2)特別研究などの指導実績: 卒業研究(学士)、大学院修士および博士学位取得人数

    卒業研究(理学士) 4    大学院修士 5    大学院博士 0



     国際会議名 開催国  年月日   論文名  

1.  International Conference on Magnetism (ICM2009) (Karlsruhe, Germany, 26-31 July, 2009), A New Half-Metallic Ferromagnet K2Cr8O16 Predicted by an Ab-Initio Electronic Structure Calculation

2.  International Conference on Magnetism (ICM2009) (Karlsruhe, Germany, 26-31 July, 2009), Magnetic Susceptibility and Saturation Magnetic Field in the t-J2-J3-K Model: 3He on Graphite

3.  International Conference on Magnetism (ICM2009) (Karlsruhe, Germany, 26-31 July, 2009), Nonquasiparticle States in the Half-Metallic Ferromagnet Simulated by the Two-Band Hubbard Model

4.  International Conference on Materials and Mechanisms of Superconductivity (M2S-IX) (Tokyo, Japan, 7-12 September, 2009), Coherence Length and Localization Length of the Negative-U Hubbard Model with Random Potential.

5.  International Conference on Materials and Mechanisms of Superconductivity (M2S-IX) (Tokyo, Japan, 7-12 September, 2009), Evolution of Fermi Surface, Charge Distribution, and Electric Field Gradient in (Ba1-xKxFe2As2 (x=0-1) from First Principles.

6.  International Conference on Materials and Mechanisms of Superconductivity (M2S-IX) (Tokyo, Japan, 7-12 September, 2009), Zero-Point Vacancies in the Two-Dimensional t-J2-J3-J4 Model: 3He on Graphite.



1.統計物理学演習のテキスト 「演習で学ぶ統計力学」 2009年度版の作成、生協での販売

2.ウェッブ上で 「統計物理バーチャルセミナー」 の運営

   3.2009123日〜4日 三重大学大学院工学研究科において集中講義「強相関電子系の基礎理論」



  1.200985日 ハノーファー大学理論物理学研究所(ドイツ)において招待講演 A New Half-Metallic Ferromagnet K2Cr8O16 Predicted by an Ab-Initio Electronic Structure Calculation

   2.20099月 9th International Conference on Materials and Mechanisms of Superconductivity (M2S-IX), 日本委員会委員

3.独立行政法人 新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構(NEDO)の 「産業技術研究助成事業」 に係るピアレビューア





