学科名  物理学科   講座名  基礎物理学講座

教員名  中山隆史

電子メール nakayama@physics.s.chiba-u.ac.jp 


(1)  研究論文など


1. Ultrathin metal layers to convert surface polarity of nitride semiconductors, T. Nakayama, J. Mikami, phys. stat. sol. (b), 242, 1209-1213 (2005).

2. Symmetry breaking and electron transport in Kagome-chain systems, H. Ishii, T. Nakayama, e-J. Surf. Sci. Nanotech., 3, 399-404 (2005).

3. Exciton and Quantum Transport in Kagome Bond-network System, H. Ishii, T. Nakayama, IPAP Conf. Ser., 6, 91-94 (2005).

4. Electronic structures of natural quantum-dot system; Si stacking-fault tetrahedron, T. Nakayama, R. Kobayashi, phys. stat. sol. (c), 2,  3125-3128 (2005).

5. First-principles calculation of electronic structures of stacking-fault tetrahedra in epitaxialized Si films, R. Kobayashi, T. Nakayama, J.  Crys.  Growth, 278, 500-504 (2005).

6. First-principles Study on Atom Order and Stability of GaInS3(CdS)m Natural Superlattices, M. Ishikawa, T. Nakayama, phys. stat. sol. (b),   242, 1179-1182 (2005).

7. Electronic-state control of amino acids on semiconductor surfaces, M. Oda, T. Nakayama, Appl. Surf. Science, 244, 627-630 (2005).



1.「表面・界面工学大系 基礎編」第8章第1節“界面の電子状態’’ (本多健一他編,フジ・テクノシステム社),pp.285290 (2005).



(2)           特別研究などの指導実績(H16年度):

卒業研究(学士)     4名

大学院修士学位取得  2名

博士学位取得        3名


3) 国際会議出席と招待リスト  

     国際会議名 開催国  年月日   論文名  

. 7th Int. Conf. New Phenomena in Mesoscopic Structures, USA, Nov. 2005,  “Nano-scale view of atom intermixing at metal/semiconductor interfaces’’,  “First-principles study on dielectric properties of nano-scale films’’.

2. Int. Symp. Surface Science and Nanotech. 2005, Japan, Nov. 2005, “ Ionization of protein amino acids on Si substrate’’, “Ab-initio Calculations on Stability of TiO2 Surfaces; Photoexcited Hole and Oxygen Vacancy Effects’’, “First-principles study of stair-rod dislocations in Si and GaAs stacking-fault tetrahedron defects’’, “Symmetry Breaking and Electron Transport in Kagome-Chain Systems’’.

3. 3rd Conf. Asian Cons. Comp. Materials Science, China, Sep. 2005, “Density Functional Calculation of Work Function using Charged Slab Systems”.

4. 9th Int. Conf. Advanced Materials, Singapore, July 2005, “Charge injection from Si substrate into amino acids’’.

5. 4th Int. Conf. Silicon Epitaxy and Heterostructures, Japan, May 2005, “Chemical Trend of Atom Intermixing at Metal/Semiconductor Interfaces’’, “Thermal annihilation process of stacking-fault-tetrahedron defect in Si-film epitaxy’’.


(4)      教育業績  


(5)  学会、国、県などへの協力など 






