学科名  地球科学科   講座名  地球物理学講座

教員名  服部克巳  

電子メール hattori[at]earth.s.chiba-u.ac.jp 


(1)   研究論文など


1. Hayakawa M., Hattori, K., and Ando, Y., Natural Electromagnetic Phenomena and Electromagnetic Theory, Inst. Elect. Engs. Japan, Trans. Fundamentals and Materials, 124, 72-79, 2004.

2. Harada, M., Hattori, K., Isezaki, N., Transfer function analysis approach for anomalous ULF geomagnetic field change detection, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 29, 409-417, 2004.

3. Hattori, K., Takahashi, I., Yoshino, C., Isezaki, N., Iwasaki, H., Harada, M., Kawabata, K., Kopytenko, E., Kopytenko, Y., Maltsev, P.,  Korepanov, V., Molchanov, O., Hayakawa, M., Noda, Y., Nagao, T., Uyeda, S., ULF geomagnetic field measurements in Japan and some recent results associated with Iwateken Nairiku Hokubu Earthquake in 1998, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth., 29, 481-494, 2004.

4. Hattori, K., Serita, A., Gotoh, K., Yoshino, C., Harada, M., Isezaki, N., Hayakawa, M., ULF geomagnetic anomaly associated with 2000 Izu islands earthquake swarm, Japan, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 29, 425-436, 2004.

5. Gotoh, K., Hayakawa, M., Smirnova, N., and Hattori, K., Fractal analysis of seismogenic ULF emissions, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 29, 419-424, 2004.

6. M. Hayakawa, K. Hattori, A. P. Nickolaenko, and L. M. Rabinowicz, Relation between the energy of earthquake swarm and the Hurst exponent of random variations of the geomagnetic field, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 29, 379-387, 2004.

7. Hattori, K., Hayakawa M., Yumoto K., Nagao T., and Uyeda S., ULF Geomagnetic changes associated with crustal activity, 2004 international Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Vol.2, 741-744, 2004

8. Katsumi Hattori, ULF geomagnetic changes associated with large earthquakes, Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, Vol.15, No.3, 329-360, 2004.

9. Masashi Kamogawa, Jann-Yenq Liu, Hironobu Fujiwara, Yu-Jung Chuo, Yi-Ben Tsai, Katsumi Hattori, Toshiyasu Nagao, Seiya Uyeda, and Yoshi-Hiko Ohtsuki, Atmospheric field variations before the March 31, 2002 M6.8 earthquake in Taiwan, Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, Vol.15, 397-412, September 2004.

10. Luciano Telesca, Gerardo Colangelo, Katsumi Hattori, Vincenzo Lapenna, Principal component analysis of geoelectrical signals measured in the seismically active area of Basilicata Region (southern Italy), Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 4, 663-667, 2004

11. Masashi Hayakawa, and Katsumi Hattori, Ultra-low-frequency electromagnetic emissions associated with earthquakes: A review, Inst. Elect. Engs. Japan, Trans. Fundamentals and Materials, Vol. 124, 1101-1108, 2004.

12. Makoto Harada, Katsumi Hattori, and Nobuhiro Isezaki, Reduction of geomagnetic effects (periods T< 940s) from geoelectric potential difference data, Inst. Elect. Engs. Japan, Trans. Fundamentals and Materials, Vol. 124, 1245-1250, 2004.

13. 原田 誠、服部克巳、伊勢崎修弘、長尾年恭、上田誠也, 地磁気・地電流データからの地球外部起源の地磁気変動の効果の除去、東海大学海洋研究所報告、印刷中.

14. Ichiro Takahashi, Katsumi Hattori, Makoto Harada, Nobuhiro Isezaki, and Toshiyasu Nagao, ULF Electromagnetic Environment at Southern Boso Peninsula : Signal Discrimination of the Geoelectrical Potential Data, submitted to Inst. Elect. Engs. Japan, Trans. Fundamentals and Materials.



1. 地震電磁界計測に含まれる異常電磁変動の自動検出と雑音除去に関する研究 (課題番号:13650477), 平成13年度〜平成15年度科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C)(1))研究成果報告書, 平成16年3月 (研究代表者 服部克巳)


(2)   特別研究などの指導実績:

卒業研究(理学士):2名  大学院修士:2名  大学院博士学位取得:0名


(3) 国際会議出席と招待リスト  

     国際会議名 開催国  年月日   論文名  

1.      European Geosciences Union 1st Annual Meeting, April 25-30, 2004, Nice, France, Reduction of external geomagnetic pulsations and their inductive electric field variation from ULF geomagnetic and electric potential difference data observed on the ground

2.      2004 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC’04 Sendai), June 1-4, 2004, Sendai, Japan, ULF Geomagnetic changes associated with crustal activity (招待講演)

3.      Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 1st Annual Meeting, 5-9, July, 2004, Singapore, Variation of Geomagnetic Transfer Function Associated with 2000 Izu Islamds Earthquake Swarm in Japan

4.      2004 Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference, August 24-27, 2004, Qingdao, China, Reduction of ULF external source origin signals (periods T<1,000 sec) using of interstation method and wavelet transform

5.      Friday Seminar, August 30, 2004, Dept. of Geophysics, Beijing University, Beijing, China, ULF Geomagnetic Changes Associated with Large Earthquakes (招待講演)

6.      IV International Workshop on Magnetic, Electric, and Electromagnetic Methods in Seismology and Volcanology (MEEMSV-2004), September 5-9, 2004, La Londe les Maures, France, Reduction of ULF external source origine signals (periods T<1,000 sec) with the use of interstation method and wavelet transform

7.      2004 AGU Fall Meeting,  Dec. 13-17, 2004, San Francisco, USA, ULF geomagnetic anomaly associated with large earthquakes

8.      2005 International Workshop on Seismo Electromagnetics, 15-17 March 2005, The University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo, Japan,  ULF geomagnetic changes associated with crustal activity; summary of RIKEN-NASDA project and the latest results (基調講演)

9.      2005 International Workshop on Seismo Electromagnetics, 15-17 March 2005, The University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo, Japan, Seismo-electromagnetic observation in Taiwan

(4)      教育業績  



(5)                       学会、国、県などへの協力など 

平成13 2月〜平成143月:理化学研究所地震国際フロンティア研究グループ地殻電磁現象観測チーム チームリーダー(非常勤研究員)


平成12年〜 :第1819期電波科学研究連絡委員会E分科会委員

平成13年〜  :地球電磁気学研究連絡委員会地磁気観測小委員会委員

平成143月〜 :電気学会電磁界理論技術委員会幹事

平成154月〜 :電気学会自然電磁気現象の解明と電磁解析専門委員会委員

平成164月〜 :電気学会 基礎・材料・共通部門論文誌 編集委員






賞罰:1996 Union of International Radio Science Young Scientist Award (URSI Young Scientist Award) 受賞 ( 25th General Assembly of URSI, Lille France, August, 1996)


